Anne Hathaway is happy to strip for roles


 Hollywood diva Anne Hathaway is aware that part of her job as an actress requires her to strip, and she thinks every actor should be ready to do the same if the part calls for it.

The 28-year-old screen beauty depends on her co-stars to help her get over any pre-scene jitters. She exposes her skin in a number of sequences in her movie, “Love & Other Drugs,” which she co-stars in with Jake Gyllenhaal.

“Doing nud1+ty is really a part of being an actor and you know at some point it might happen. But everyone wants to be respectful of each other and everyone wants each other to feel as comfortable as possible so I think those days have a focus,” said Hathaway.

“In this film we really approached it from a very prepared place. We discussed what we wanted to do beforehand and what we were comfortable with, we traded references from other films to establish an index of communicational references that we share. So by the time we came to do the scenes we were very well prepared,” she stated.

Despite being at ease with nudity, Hathaway found it challenging to shoot several of the passionate scenes with Gyllenhaal in “Love & Other Drugs.”

“Some of the intimate scenes required even more trust and were even more difficult to get to and work through – to get yourself into that place and sustain it for a long period of time to be able to return back to those emotions again and again and again. Physical challenges are one thing but to actually leave yourself open and to mean it I find quite difficult some days,” she continues.

When Jake Gyllenhaal described how he was Anne Hathaway’s knight in shining armor on the set of Love and Other Drugs when it came to filming s-x scenes, we almost immediately started to cry.

Jake explained to at the Love and Other Drugs premiere supported by Quintessentially and Valentino, “It’s a naturally awkward thing to be having fake cinematic s-x with anybody, so I feel like with an actress (a woman in particular) when you’re on a set and dealing with what is usually a majority of men on a movie set, I always feel like it’s my responsibility to kind of protect and make sure that she feels comfortable because they tend to be more objectified.”

He went on, “So to ease her and make her feel comfortable, I was always like, Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do? What do you feel comfortable doing?’ Anne was always like, You do your thing and I’ll do my thing. I’m fine on my own!'”

As their first sex sc-ne together occurred in Brokeback Mountain, Jake and Anne had previously collaborated on other heated moments. “I had to sort of resist it in the last movie,” Jake said. “And this time I could go for it!”

“There are all different types of love in this movie—romantic, familial and friendship,” Jake continues. “What I think I learned most of all was when making a movie, particularly a love story, in order to have a great creative process and be open and ready and game for anything, you kind of have to fall in love with everybody involved. I certainly did in some ways with Ed [Zwick] and Anne. We all did. What we share as a result is really special.”


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